Thursday, July 17, 2008

Education in Gatina

Here's a short video of Imani Development Centre, a private primary school just down the road from Light and Power Centre. It caters to the poorest of the poor, mostly to orphans and children of single mothers (many of whom are affected by HIV/AIDS). The school has about 125 students and is run by a friend who is a local pastor and works alongside his family in Gatina. The Wafula family had a heart to reach out to needy children in the neighborhood who roamed around during the day because their parents could not afford any of the other schools. For the full day school, the school charges less than $5/month, which includes rice for lunch every day. Only 40% of the families can afford to pay. The school currently does not have any donors, but is run strictly off of the very very limited tuition fees that it can collect (imagine a budget of less than $250 USD/month to run a primary school for 125 students). The learning conditions are very difficult. Check out the video and learn a bit more about Gatina and the efforts of Pastor Moses Wafula.

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