Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Stolen Computers

Last week, five computers and a host of computer accessories and software were stolen from St. Luke’s Computer College. . .The Computer College started three years ago in an after-hours church office with a single borrowed computer and a volunteer teacher. The school reached out to young people in the neighboring Kibera slum and trained nearly 100 students, watching many graduates go on to obtain successful jobs. The school grew through well-wishers and hard earned savings, one shilling at a time. Each year the school struggled, but managed to purchase one or two more used computers. Eventually, it built its own structure on the church grounds, housing a small office, computer classroom, and veranda. It employed two full-time teachers and had fifteen students at the time of the theft. We’ve filed an official report and commenced an investigation with the local police. It seems one of the teachers was involved and planned the theft well in advance. He has since disappeared from his village in Kibera. . .Please pray for this situation. . . It’s frustrating to see something that has taking so long to build disappear in one night. We’re hoping to repair two broken computers so that the current students can continue their classes part-time.

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